Earth Rests – Northern England Fibreshed Creating a community of regenerative textile producers across Lancashire, Cumbria, Merseyside, Cheshire and Greater Manchester Sat, 23 Sep 2023 09:21:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Earth Rests – Northern England Fibreshed 32 32 Earth Rests Sat, 23 Sep 2023 09:12:01 +0000 Find your ‘Earth Rests for Autumn’ meditation here

The relatively new ‘regenerative’ buzzword involves principles inspired by traditional and indigenous wisdom, a common feature of which is having a better understanding of humanity’s place in it’s ecosystem through the use of practices that engender communion with nature. 

Indigenous cultures are currently preserving 80% of global biodiversity yet make up only 5% of the global population*.

Those people haven’t done this by following Western science, economics or religion but by developing deep, intuitive relationships with the ‘more than human’ beings in their environment through meditation, prayer, ritual and initiation. 

“The Earth rests when we rest.” – Ayana Young

Earth Rests aim to inspire reverence for our planetary life support system through the embodied practice of Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is an extended version of the relaxation at the end of a yoga class. It roughly translates to ‘unified sleep’ except you enter a liminal zone in between awake and asleep where deep healing and inspiration can take place.

There is nothing alternative about respecting your environment but if you’re struggling to connect the dots between relaxation and Earth stewardship, consider this. Carbon consumption is at the heart of our environmental crisis and closely linked with what has been called ‘grind culture’. Based on a study entitled, ‘stop the clock: The Environmental Benefits of a Shorter Working Week*’, shifting to a 4 day working week could save the UK 127 million tonnes of carbon per year. This means that if everyone in the UK practiced just one Earth Rest per month we could save 3 millions tonnes of carbon per year. Imagine if everyone just kept phones on but flicked off the power in their homes while listening?

Earth Rests are offered by Justine Aldersey-Williams, a qualified yoga teacher since 2006 and founding volunteer for the Northern England Fibreshed since March 2020. Your rest will support the regenerative movement and contributing as much as you’re able supports Justine’s voluntary work building a regenerative textile system in the heartland of the British textile industry.

They are offered free to those experiencing economic hardship with a ‘pay what you can’ invitation for those able to support the Fibreshed cause. Earth Rests will be released at the seasonal turning points beginning with today’s Autumn Equinox meditation.

What do you need to do? NOTHING!

But preparing a comfortable place to lie down where you won’t be disturbed for 20 minutes is a good idea! Gather cushions, blankets and socks (as your body naturally cools when you relax) and then simply listen or don’t listen! Your awareness will come and go as you switch channels from everyday consciousness to a more relaxed, alert brainwave frequency. You’ve experienced this natural state many times before but might not have noticed. It’s a bit like when you’ve just woken up in the morning or are just drifting off to sleep.

You may like to keep a journal to record whether you feel different afterwards and please feel free to share your feedback via our contact page.
